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The Arab Douchebag – The Final Frontier

The actual meaning of the word Douchebag?

Water bag used to clean feminine genitalia.
Seriously. Google it.

This shall be my last Douchebag post for now.
I’m having a Douchebag over dose
I believe you are too

Heres how to spot the ARAB Douchebag

The Arab Douche who goes to gym, walks with his arms lifted on his side.

The Arab Douche will always hit on much younger girls. It is absolutely difficult to find a girl his age that would be interested in him. (Unless of course she is a Douchebaguette). High-school Girl Syndrome.

The Arab Douche will have a perfectly thin lined beard.

The Arab Douche is a hairy bastard!!! He is Darwin’s best friend. Living proof that men descend from hairy apes.

The Arab Douche will go out with his friend and wear matching colors.

The Arab Douche will always check out girls in the presence of his own gf/wife

The Arab Douche must show case his male domineering traits.

The Arab Douche thinks he can get any girl. ANY.

The Arab Douche will walk down the street screaming phrases like “Free Palestine” “Ta7ya Masr” and will then be found getting drunk off of his ass later that night

The Arab Douche will wear the cause around his neck. (Lebanese Douche)

The Arab Douche will buy a beautiful car, then ruin it by PIMPING it up.

The Arab Douche owns an endangered pet.

The Arab Douche spends his weekend at the mall hitting on girls.

The Arab Douche adores prostitutes. He will probably end up marrying one.

The Arab Douche carries 3 phones, a laptop and an Ipad.

The Arab Douche will pose with his alcohol bottles. (Universal Douche rule)

The Arab Douche will spend 20,000 Dhs on a bottle of champagne at a club to impress his fellow douchebaguettes.

The Arab Douche will pose for a pic while SUCKING ON A CIGAR. The Arab Douche will PROFILE PIC IT!!

The Arab Douche will have the top 3 buttons of his shirt open, put on glasses indoors and take a pic of himself. Here also, the Arab Douche will then PROFILE PIC IT!!

The Arab Douche will lie about why the girl he was with dumped him. He will then believe his own lies.

The Arab Douche will date a girl and then end up marrying her sister. This is called “NASEEB”

The Arab Douche cares about his cars more than he does for anything else.

The Arab Douche will always blame it on somebody else.

The Arab Douche does not believe in floss.

99.9% Arab Douchebags can’t speak proper English for shit. B for Bebsi. Big Broblem zis.

The Arab Douche plucks his eye brows as often as Britney Spears opens her mouth and says something stupid.

The Arab Douche thinks its ok to hit his girl.

The Arab Douche is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than you.

The Arab Douche will get dumped, and then become best friends with the girls sister/friend/cousin.

The Arab Douche will spend most of his waking hours playing cards.

His name is Jasem. He lives in Satwa but he acts like he’s from the ghetto.

The Arab Douche pays for his name to come up on a screen at a club.

The Arab Douche will take out a loan from the bank to finance his nights out.

The Arab Douche uses daddy’s money to start his own business and then calls it his own.

The Arab Douche can date your sister. God forbid you attempt to date his.

The Arab Douche will chase a girl around the mall.

Like All other previous Douchebag lists, this is also an endless one. You got anything to add? Send it across!

PS: Thank you to the Ladies who provided their input. You know who you are =D

  1. Vikrant Malhotra
    June 27, 2011 at 11:39 am

    Hahaha, Damn Awesome!

  2. Nona
    June 27, 2011 at 12:16 pm

    Hahahaha absolutely brilliant! I love it!

    Satwa or from K-Town (Karama)
    Arab douchebag drowns himself n his car in cologne
    Has a fancy car but lives in a shithole
    hahaha love the one about him sucking on a cigar n using it as profile pic!

    • July 6, 2011 at 1:10 am

      so true about the fancy car but lives in a shit hole – lord knows how many of those i know.

  3. Nona
    June 27, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    OMG is the pic with the screen writing in the cllub for real??? hahahahaha i bet ALL the girls wanted him!

    • Samer Harkous
      June 27, 2011 at 12:26 pm

      oh yes it is!!! wanna find him?

  4. July 4, 2011 at 11:02 am


    That was very funny and very well written! I enjoyed it and so did several of my Facebook friends! 😉 Well done!


    • Samer Harkous
      July 4, 2011 at 11:11 am

      Thank you very much Lynn
      Im glad you liked it =)

  5. Nada Chehade
    July 6, 2011 at 1:04 am

    Dont forget…
    – The Arab douchebag also sprays half a bottle of cologne before he leaves the house to attract his prey at 1km distances.
    – The Arab douchebag is so arrogant he will throw comments that are out of line thinking he is cute.
    – He will definitely mistake your friendliness as flirting, and will brag to his friends about it.
    -And finally, the Arab douchebag will be angry at this post. YAY!

    But ladies, a word of caution – when you see a gaggle of Arab douchebags run the other way. These creatures douchebagness rubs off on one another making the douchebag experience severe.

  6. Cedric who is not an Arab
    March 24, 2021 at 6:08 pm

    Basically the “Arab Douche “ is more successful than you . So you project your hate onto him . I lol at people like you . I’m not an Arab nor do I care about race . The bottom line is : The term “D bag “ was invented by jealous people who “ can’t be” ; therefore they hate the ones who win at life .

    • Samer Harkous
      March 25, 2021 at 10:45 am

      ok Cedric who is not an Arab – If this is how you measure success in life, then i genuinely feel sorry for you. Good talk though.

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